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NDIS 2025 Registration
Policies, Procedures and Forms 

Enquire about Aged Care or NDIS Registration, Policies, Procedures or Audit Support and a Free Quote

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National Disability Insurance Scheme (Quality and Safeguards Commission) Policy Categories

Rules Directly Affecting Providers

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NDIS Code of Conduct and Guidelines for NDIS providers and workers

  • Sets out the NDIS Code of Conduct which applies to all NDIS providers and persons employed or otherwise engaged by them, regardless of whether they are registered.
  • Guidance will be circulated which will explain the expectations of NDIS providers and workers in complying with the NDIS Code of Conduct.

Incident Management and Reportable Incidents

  • Requires all registered NDIS providers to manage certain incidents that happen in connection with providing supports or services to people with disability.
  • Sets out the decisions and actions the NDIS Commission can take in relation to a reportable incident , including requiring the provider to undertake specified remedial action, carry out an internal investigation about the incident, or engage an independent expert to investigate and report on the incident.

Complaints Management and Resolution

  • Provides for decisions and actions the NDIS Commission can take in responding to a complaint about any issue connected with supports or services provided by an NDIS provider.
  • Requires all registered NDIS providers to manage complaints they receive about the supports and services they provide.
  • Providers must make information available about how to make a complaint to the provider and to the NDIS Commissioner, and must keep records about complaints that they receive.

Worker Screening

  • Requires all registered NDIS providers to only engage workers in certain roles if they have an NDIS Worker Screening Check clearance, and to manage requirements surrounding the NDIS Worker Screening Check.
  • Sets out the transitional arrangements in New South Wales and South Australia for screening workers while the new national NDIS Worker Screening Check is being introduced.


NDIS Policies Audit

Behaviour Support and Restrictive Practices

  • Outlines reporting and oversight arrangements to reduce and eliminate the use of restrictive practices in the NDIS.
  • Sets out the conditions of registration for providers delivering specialist behaviour support and providers who use restrictive practices in the course of delivering NDIS supports and transition arrangements for transitioning providers.
  • Requires providers to comply with any state and territory authorisation arrangements in relation to the use of restrictive practices.

Provider Registration and NDIS Practice Standards, Quality Indicators

  • States which NDIS providers must be registered.
  • Outlines the suitability requirements for providers and key personnel to become registered.
  • Requires providers to notify the NDIS Commission of material changes.
  • Incorporates the NDIS Practice Standards, which establish the national standards and expectations of registered NDIS providers relevant to the supports or services provided.
  • Provides for the publication of an NDIS Register to include details about a provider’s registration and relevant compliance action.
  • Sets out the criteria by which NDIS providers demonstrate compliance with the NDIS Practice Standards.

Protection and Disclosure of Information

  • Prescribes rules and guidance in relation to the NDIS Commissioner’s disclosure powers.
  • Prescribes state and territory laws that may mean that a person is not required to give information or evidence or produce a document, despite a requirement from the NDIS Commissioner.

Provider Definition

  • Defines an NDIS provider to include a person or entity who is providing supports or services to older people with disability who are receiving continuity of support under the Commonwealth Continuity of Support Programme relating to Specialist Disability Services for Older People.

Policy Library

This is a list of some of our NDIS Policy library.  There are another 150 specialised policies that be used on request.  The Basic Core Policies and Auditor needs to see consists of around 40-50 of the key policies relating to the supports you are approved for.


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Abandonment of Duty Policy
Aggressive Behaviour Policy
Alcohol Drugs Policy
Bullying Harassment and Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedure
Clinical-Governance Policy and Procedure
Development and Review Policy and Procedure
Assault and Assault Guidelines Policy
Assessment Policy
Behaviour Management Policy
Behaviour Support Plan Policy
Business Continuity Policy
Client does not respond to a scheduled visit Policy
Client Incident Response, Reporting and Investigation Policy and Procedure
Client Intake Process Policy
Communication Policy
Community Clients Smoking Policy
Complaints Policy
Consent Policy
Consumer Health Records Policy
Contractual Agreements Policy
Critical Incident Management Policy
Customer Feedback Policy
Customer Information Privacy Policy
Death Of A Client Policy
Disciplinary Action Policy
Diversity and Equal Employment Policy Opportunity
Finance Policy
Financial Management Office Policy
Freedom from Abuse Neglect and Exploitation Policy
Governance of the Organisation Policy
Health Safety and Well-being Policy
Home Visit Policy
Home Visiting Risk Response Guide Policy
Human Resource Management Policy
Identification Tag Policy
Incident Management Policy
Inclusion and Diversity Policy
Infection Control Policy
Informed Consent Policy
Learning and Development Policy
Managing a critical incident Policy
Manual Guide to Supervision Policy
NDIS Plan Implementation and Quotes Policy
Open Disclosure Policy
Police Check Policy
Policy Making Policy
Privacy and Confidentiality Policy
Privacy Statement Policy
Quality and Improvement Policy
Records Management Policy
Orientation Procedure

Recruitment and Selection Policy
Review Form Policy
Policy Review Policy
Reviewing and Developing Position Descriptions Policy
Risk Assessment Policy
Safe Storage of Equipment Policy
Setting up your workstation WHS Policy
Sexual Harassment Guidelines Policy
Smoking Policy
Social Needs Support Plan Policy
Special Occasion Gifts Policy
Staff Code of Conduct Policy
Staff Language Policy
Staff Multiculturalism Policy
Staff Police Checks Policy
Staff Security Policy
Staff Uniforms Policy
Staff weekly travel record Policy
Strategic Direction Policy
Telephones Mobile Phone Wireless Policy Electronic Devices Policy
Theft Policy
Vehicles Policy
Working with Children Check Policy
Police Check Procedure
Programs and Services Development Procedure
Record Keeping Procedure
Risk Management Procedure
When a new client rings up Procedure
WHS Issue Resolution Procedure
Client Rights Charter
Client Services Profile
Accident Incident Register Form
Agency Staff Sign On-Off Sheet Form
Basic Client Intake Assessment Form
Client Compliment Comment Complaint Form
Client Consent Form
Client Death Notification Form
Client Incident Form
Client Information Form
Client Service Agreement Form
Code of Conduct and Agreement Form
Compliment Comment Complaint Form
Continuous Improvement Register Form
CQI log Form
Credentialing and Scope of Practice Form Confirmation Form
Disciplinary Action Staff/Student Form
Employee Incident Staff Form
Equipment Loaned Returned Form
Exit Feedback Staff Form
Feedback Compliments and Complaints Form
Personnel Employment Procedure
Working with Children Check Procedure

Grievance staff Form
Individual Performance Development Review Form
Individual Service Agreement Form
Intake & Assessment 1+2 Form
Medication Management Form
Medication Plan and Chart Form
Non Prescription Medication Plan and Chart Form
OHS Incident Near Miss Register Form
Orientation Checklist Form
Privacy Confidentiality and Security Agreement Form
PRN Medication Plan and Chart Form
Professional Development Calendar Form
Profile Report Form
Progress Notes Form
Request Form
Risk Assessment Checklist for Home Visits Form
Service Agreement Form
Service Request Form
Staff Time sheets Form
Support Plan Form
Support Plan Attachment Form
Support Plan Extra 1+2 Form
WHS Accident Or Incident Or Near Miss Register Form
WHS Client Environment Checklist Form
Care Plan Template
Client Home WHS Checklist
From Client Home WHS Environment Checklist
Access and Inclusion for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities Procedure
Access and Inclusion for LGBTIQ People Procedure
Access and Inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Procedure
Archiving Retention and Disposal of Consumer Health Records Procedure
Assets and Resource Management Procedure
Client Incident Response, Reporting, and Investigation Procedure
Collection Use and Sharing of Personal and Sensitive Information Procedure
Consumer Complaints and Feedback Procedure
Consumer Engagement Procedure
Customer Rights and Responsibilities Procedure
Incident Management Procedure
Information Management Procedure
Management Structure and Processes Procedure
Open Disclosure Procedure
Organisational Reporting Procedure

Why Choose Us

We can get your policies done Rapidly and Professionally.  There are few companies out there that have the experiance and expertise to develop the much needed documents required to meet the Commissions standards.  We strategically piece together your policies to ensure you are fully covered


NDIS Commission compliant


No more stress in your audits


Fast and efficient service


Operating since 2017


Servicing Australia wide


Editable documents provided


Our mission is to provide you with a Rapid and Professional service to a high standard so that you are compliant with the NDIS Commission


We expect to be the standard for policy development for small to medium businesses in the NDIS and healthcare space


Our Values are Reliability, Efficiancy, Friendliness and good communication from the begining to the end of our services

"Thank you for your service, we have been approved to start our NDIS provider service"

-Richard F

"Rapid Policies were very professional and dealt with our needs very quick and we were very happy with their services".

-Elaine T

"We engaged Rapid Polices to help us put Policies together for our NDIS registration renewal. We passed the audit and are very appreciative".

-Lisa S

Frequently Asked Questions


How long does it take to complete ?

Once we have the okay to go ahead, and have received the deposit, we will initiate the assessment and from the time we receive the information we need to start, we will have your draft policies ready for review within 7-10 days.


What if i am not satisfied with the Policies ?

We provide revisions based on the required specifications which you have a chance to provide as part of the initial registration process.    We gaurantee satisfaction with our service and will ensure that this occurs before you pay the final payment.


Will my Policies be approved by the NDISC ?

The NDIS Commission has reviewed our policies and we have had our policies reviewed and approved my various NDIS auditors throughout the country over the last couple of years and we have passed 100% of the time, every time.


Do you just copy and paste or are they customised ?

Your policies a customised using basic templates that are core legislation requirements in the industry.  Branded, itemised and tailor made to suit your company and your services.

Get Started Today

Make an appointment today with us by phone or email and we will work out what you need and send you an official quotation.  Once you are happy with the proposal, we will get the ball rolling immediatly.

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